Gene Expression of melanocyte related genes in Silky fowl

Yue Jiang, Riho Matsuda, Yuki Nishiyama, Yasuhiko Wada

Faculty of Agriculture, Saga University, Saga, 840-8502, Japan


This study investigated the mechanism of melanin pigmentation in muscle and internal organs of adult Silky fowl and Rhode Island Red × White Plymouth Rock F1 broiler chickens, and the expression of three genes related to melanin pigment synthesis was examined. RT-PCR of tyrosinase (TYR) and two enzymes called tyrosinase-related proteins, dihydroxy indolcarboxylic acid oxidase (tyrosinase related protein 1; TYRP1) and DOPAchrome tautomerase (tyrosinase related protein 2; TYRP2) was performed for colon, cerebrum, middle kidney, heart, and shallow pectoral muscle tissues. Silky fowl expresses TYR, TYRP1, and TYRP2 in most organs, which suggests that melanin pigment was synthesized in most organs in Silky fowl. TYR was expressed in the cerebrum and heart even in the broilers without deposition of melanin pigment. TYRP1 and TYRP2 were also expressed in some organs in broilers. Therefore, these genes may play a role other than melanin pigment synthesis in chickens.

The Journal of Animal Genetics 46(2) p.69-72

佐賀大学農学部応用生物科学科 動物資源開発学分野 和田研究室